Brings the class together in unison
Warms up and awakens the entire body, softens the muscles, opens the joints and stimulates the neurological circulatory and subtle energetic pathways, initiating conscious awareness and synchronisation of movement with breath.
Awakens spiral erector muscles, hip flexors and shoulder girdle. All essential especially when you spend long periods of time at a desk.
Classical Sun Sal A
Roots, extension and equanimity in Tadasana - Mountain Pose
Spiral Integrity and lengthening in Urdhva Hastasana - Upward Salute
Calming stretch of back body Uttanasana - Forward Fold
Heart Awakening Urdhva Uttanasana - Half lift
Awaking hip flexors, quads and shoulders in Anjaneyasana - Lunge Pose
Strengthening of arms, shoulders, core and legs in Kumbakasana - Plank Pose
Strengthening and stretching entire body in Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward facing Dog